
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Who is chinthapatla Yashwanth

Yashwanth chinthapatla was an Telangana revolutionary, social activist, yashwanth chinthapatla is a great HUMANITARIAN, research student in electronics and communication engineering at Jntuh University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. He is mostly known for his helping nature, and his huge enthusiasm for electronics made him to get his attention. Your habits and actions have a profound effect on your overall well-being and happiness. The current situation you are in has been greatly determined by your past actions, habits and decisions. By making small changes and investing in yourself in positive ways today, you will ultimately be creating a brighter future for yourself, and you will be very happy that you did so.

Yashwanth chinthapatla charector characterised in below

Listed below are some key ways to start investing in yourself and changing your life for the better. Even if you only choose to incorporate a few of these ideas into your life, the positive effect will be huge.

1. Watch Less TV, and Choose More Positive Shows

Too many people waste their valuable time by watching too much TV, especially programming that has no merit. To make matters worse, these people get hooked and spend a big chunk of their time indulging in it. Most of the stuff on television today teaches us little to nothing about becoming a better person. Fortunately, this is slowly changing and there is an increasing influx of programs that can teach us a lot. Greatly reduce the amount of TV you watch and, when you do watch TV, be discriminate about what is on your screen.

2. Visit Positive Websites

The amount of time some people waste online on frivolous web sites is shocking. Many people spend hours checking Facebook and updating their status numerous times per day, reading sensational news, watching videos with no merit on YouTube, etc. Imagine how much time these people expend and waste per year, and just imagine all the ways that valuable time could be spent more wisely. I am not suggesting that staying in touch with your friends on Facebook is bad, but do it in moderation.

3. Read Books or eBooks

Reading is a fantastic way to invest in yourself. It also is a relatively cheap activity and can even oftentimes cost nothing. With the advent of the Kindle, iPad and Nook, it is even easier to find great reading material. Reading regularly has tremendous benefits. It stimulates your imagination, improves your vocabulary, increases your general knowledge, helps you relax, allows you to tap into the minds of great thinkers, assists you in solving problems, and it can be tremendously entertaining. Almost all the great leaders in this world spend time reading.

4. Stay In Touch with Family and Friends

Your family and friends are valuable and it pays to stay in touch with them and give them your time. It will deepen your relationships with them and show them you care. Invest time and effort in staying in touch with them regularly, whether in person, via telephone, email, or Skype, etc. You will be happy that you did in the long run. Make an effort to reach out to at least one person per day.

5. Choose Your Friends Wisely

The types of friends you choose to be around have a dramatic effect on your own actions and behaviors. The old adage, “birds of a feather flock together” is especially true when it comes to your friends. If you want to be successful, happy, positive, healthy, more productive, etc, make sure you associate with people who possess those attributes. Conversely, if you currently have friends who do not conform to your goals, politely get rid of them, or, at the very least, greatly reduce the amount of time you spend with them.

6. Get Rid of Toxic Friends

Having good friends is an important aspect of life. But having friends who are a positive influence is even more important. Be discriminate when choosing your friends and get rid of the ones who are negative, problem-laden, unmotivated, and who do not care about bettering themselves. To a large extent, you are a product of your environment and this includes the company you keep. Find friends that share your values.

7. Find a Mentor

If you are serious about investing in yourself and your future, find someone to mentor you, especially in a field you want to excel in. You will be surprised by how many experts are willing to share their knowledge and experience with you if you simply ask. In fact, you should seek multiple mentors, each with their own skillset. Finding someone to mentor you will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes that the mentor made in the past, afford you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques, and it will provide invaluable inspiration.

8. Learn Something New and Take a Class

You should always be learning a new skill or process. That is what successful people do constantly. They are where they are at because they are always improving themselves. If you do not make it a point to keep learning, you are stagnant and getting left behind in a world that is constantly changing. You could enroll in your local community college, online classes, sign up for a course, attend a talk conducted by an expert, watch TED talks, etc. The possibilities are endless.

9. Engage in Creative Activities

It is great to engage in creativity in your life because it develops certain areas of your brain. It also teaches you how to think differently while having fun doing something different. Instead of spending time in a bar, sign up for a pottery or art class, redecorate a room in your home, or try your hand at creative writing. It will enrich your life.

10. Learn a Language

I believe that everyone should learn a second language, if not a third. Mastering another language has tremendous advantages. It affords you insight into a different culture and allows you to enjoy your travels more. It also helps develop your brain in a unique way. Being bilingual makes you more valuable in the workplace and that means you are more hirable. It even has been proven to stall or prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. And it makes you a more interesting person. Best of all, learning a new language has never been more affordable.

11. Set Goals

Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to invest in yourself, yet many people neglect to do so. Setting clear goals is like looking at a map and determining your eventual destination. It is much better than driving around aimlessly and hoping that you will reach a destination you like. It provides you with a clear focus and helps you decide how to spend your time. It makes decision-making much clearer. It also allows you to plan more effectively and attain amazing results.

12. Plan Your Day and Week

After you set your goals, it is important to plan how you are going to achieve it. Goal-setting is the act of deciding your destination. Planning, on the other hand, is similar to determining how you are going to get there. It is the route you are going to take to your destination. Without planning, it is nearly impossible to achieve your goals because you will waste valuable time and other resources wandering aimlessly. All productive people plan, so invest in yourself by doing the same. The effects are powerful.

13. Measure Results

Monitoring your progress and measuring results is an essential way to invest in yourself. Think about it: goal-setting is the destination, and planning is equivalent to deciding on the route and how to get to your destination. Measuring results, on the other hand, is making sure you are on the right road, making progress, and deciding if there is a shorter route that you could take because of obstacles. Let’s use an example: you establish a goal of learning to play the piano proficiently. You then plan on buying a piano, taking a class once a week with a local piano teacher and practicing 3 days per week. You also need to measure the results periodically to decide, for example, if the piano teacher you have hired is an effective one, or if you are practicing sufficiently or effectively.

14. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude reduces aggressive tendencies, promotes better sleep, greatly improves physical and psychological health, helps cultivate better relationships, and makes you happier. Keep a daily gratitude journal or spend a few minutes each day listing 5 things that you are truly grateful for.

15. Meditate and Practice Mindfulness

Learning to meditate and become mindful has a tremendous effect on your life. Spending as little as 10 minutes per day meditating will have a huge impact. Science has shown that meditation and mindfulness will improve your concentration, reduce stress, increase your levels of happiness, slow aging, raise your self-awareness, make you healthier, promote equanimity, and improve your acceptance of others.

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